Frequently Asked Questions

What Is RentLelo.Com ?

RentLelo.com is the online portal or marketplace for accommodation search. All types of residential and commercial properties are listed here for rent sale or lease.

Is Renting or Buying Better?

It totally depends on one’s mindset and their spending capacity that to purchase a property or taken house flat or apartment on rent. It actually varied from person to person as per their requirements.

What Is the Lender's Formula?

We have lot of associates for RentLelo who are either real estate broker agents or real owners of the property flat or apartments who directly post their vacant places on our portal. They always search for the decent family or people as a tenants. And obviously rent is varied as per there locality.

What Do I Look for in Homes?

Select the home which have all facilities and in the market area is best because one got all required facilities nearby. But it totally depends on your budget because obviously properties that is in the prime location will cost more.

Do I Need a Home Warranty?

If the property that you have selected are in the lease for some years then you may need a home warranty and it also depends on the builds of that property,   

What Should I Expect at Closing?

You should expect the best deal that you got from RentLelo portal. We always try to give the best deal to all for there accommodation search in there locality with best price and satisfaction.

What Is Pre-approval?

One have to give some amount as rent or advance to the owner of the property to get pre-approved and fix that property for them to get rent in it. Its important because sometimes people select some flat but some other people have given advance instantly and booked that property. 

Am I Ready to Rent?

If one feel that he or she is not happy with there present accommodation then they can surely shift to some other flat or apartment listed on RentLelo.com for any location in any city of India. We assure you got the best deal with best value here.

What Should I Offer?

You can offer your residential or commercial property for Rent Sale or Lease on RentLelo.com with your desired price or rent for it with your contact details, so that you will be contacted directly for accomodation.

Can I Ask You for Advice?

Any time for any help regarding listing or for any issue or advice one can mail us on our official mail Id i.e. info@rentlelo.com We feel more than happy to help you.

Let's Find the best Place You Deserve

We Are Always Here With You As Your Best Friend To Find Best Accommodation For You. Together We Make Your Home Search Easy.
